Recruiting & Retention During Ongoing Turmoil

When you lose good employees, you’re suffering strategic setbacks, wrecking team morale, and watching your productivity and profits flounder. As the resignations add up, it gets exponentially worse. The job market morphed into a dangerous game of Finders Keepers last year that has had companies scrambling ever since.

If you didn’t have a chance to attend or want to review insights from Gary and Josh, we’ve included a recording of the session below along with some additional resources.

Resources you need:

Managers uncomfortable having compensation conversations with your employees? Here are simple templates they can use to make it easier.

Need to explain performance management to your leadership or staff? Here’s a PDF with highlights explaining the How and Why of Catalytic Coaching.

Talent Walking Out the Door?


Can’t Find the talent you need?

Full Replay:


About Josh McAfee

Best selling Wall Street Journal and USA Today Author Josh McAfee has an extensive background in investing in and helping high growth tech companies hire and keep great people. He’s also well known for helping tech talent make great career decisions.


About Gary Markle

Gary Markle literally wrote the book on Catalytic Coaching. His work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and the Detroit Free Press. He is a highly-rated keynote speaker for industry and trade associations and an award-winning speaking resource for Vistage.